froginthevalley , to Random avatar

Idea of the day: what if joined the ? That would be game-changing, probably even bigger than .

Smootasaurus , to Random avatar

Sharing what's going on with actual happening over on . Zuck has beef with a small newsroom calling out ethics and they've decided to try wiping it off the internet. Tell all your friends to bring their receipts to before they're gone too

Link to Kansas Reflector article -

liaizon , to Random avatar

An important distinction is slowly being uncovered about the definition of the term "fediverse." Who is it that gets to decide what this place is? How are we being represented? These are not easy questions to answer and if we don't do a better job describing ourselves, then the job will get done for us by people who don't understand the underlying values we hold.

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  • bretcarmichael , avatar

    @liaizon Federation is a term used to describe an action or state occurring over the ActivityPub (or AT) protocol. It’s neither a brand nor owned. In app design, devs use different icons to define open-menu and close-menu actions, different symbols for sending emails — envelopes and paper airplanes — and different symbols to chat widgets among other actions. Meta serves users all over the world, and in some of those places, using a pentagram as a UI convention might be offensive.

    DavidBHimself , to Random

    I'm really tired of the holier-than-you people on the Fediverse!

    No, Threads is not full of trolls and evil people just because Meta is evil. Threads is full of people who are not terminally online like we are. This is idiotic to want to block Threads by default. If anything let's show them there is another way.

    No, the big Mastodon instances are not full of trolls and evil people just because they're the big instances. They're full of people who are into the Fediverse but for reasons that are theirs have no time, energy, or interest to join smaller instances. This is idiotic to want to block such instances. If anything let's teach them about smaller instances.

    And right now, I see people building bridges with BlueSKy and I see very negative reactions from some people about that. Well... No, BlueSky is not full of trolls and evil people.

    I'm so fucking annoyed with this bullshit attitude.

    Honestly, if your response is "don't federate" every single fucking time, have you thought for a second that maybe, just maybe, you are in the wrong place? Fedi fucking verse. It's in the name.

    If you don't want to communicate with people who are different from you, you're honestly no different from the people you are calling names. Please go to your instance that's defederated from everyone else, or even better, go on a closed Discord or something.

    Fuck, I barely finished my second coffee and I'm already annoyed.

    raymondpert , to Random avatar
    rolle , to Random avatar

    It’s funny to me that some people on Threads are saying Mastodon (mistakenly thinking it’s a one service) will always be ”small” and ”closed”. Well, soon we’ll be in the same crowd with the Threads people, perhaps with others like Tumblr too.

    The Fediverse can expand unlike the other truly closed social networks. This is exactly like talking about the Internet in the 80s, ”it will be a small thing for the nerds, and always will be so”.

    notizie , to Random Italian

    Threads, il nuovo social network text-based rivale di Twitter si dovrebbe distinguere per la federazione e la privacy

    Oltre alle caratteristiche innovative, come la "federazione" e l'utilizzo del protocollo , solleva importanti questioni riguardo alla privacy e ai rischi associati all'iscrizione. Esaminiamo a fondo gli aspetti che definiscono Threads e il suo impatto sulle esperienze digitali degli utenti.


    thenexusofprivacy , to fediversenews avatar

    Strategies for the free fediverses

    The fediverse is evolving into different regions

    • "Meta's fediverses", federating with Meta to allow communications, potentially using services from Meta such as automated moderation or ad targeting, and potentially harvesting data on Meta's behalf.

    • "free fediverses" that reject Meta – and surveillance capitalism more generally

    The free fediverses have a lot of advantages over Meta and Meta's fediverses, some of which will be very hard to counter, and clearly have enough critical mass that they'll be just fine.

    Here's a set of strategies for the free fediverses to provide a viable alternative to surveillance capitalism. They build on the strengths of today's fediverse at its best – including natural advantages the free fediverses have that Threads and Meta's fediverses will having a very hard time countering – but also are hopefully candid about weaknesses that need to be addressed. It's a long list, so I'll be spreading out over multiple posts; this post currently goes into detail on the first two.

    • Opposition to Meta and surveillance capitalism is an appealing position. Highlight it!

    • Focus on consent (including consent-based federation), privacy, and safety

    • Emphasize "networked communities"

    • Support concentric federations of instances and communities

    • Consider "transitively defederating" Meta's fediverses (as well as defederating Threads)

    • Consider working with people and instances in Meta's fediverses (and Bluesky, Dreamwidth, and other social networks) whose goals and values align with the free fediverses'

    • Build a sustainable ecosystem

    • Prepare for Meta's (and their allies') attempts to paint the free fediverses in a bad light

    • Reduce the dependency on Mastodon

    • Prioritize accessibility, which is a huge opportunity

    • Commit to anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, and pro-LGBTQIA2S+ principles, policies, practices, and norms for the free fediverses

    • Organize!

    @fediverse @fediversenews

    Crell , avatar

    @thenexusofprivacy @fediverse @fediversenews Simply blocking Threads won't actually accomplish anything, except leave people stuck on Threads. If we want to actually help people, we need to take active actions beyond boycotts. We need to bleed users off of Threads, and we cannot do that if we block them outright.

    sour , (edited ) avatar


    no cooperating with north korea

    ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , (edited ) to Fediverse avatar

    Now that for-profit tech companies are beginning to implement , I think it's important to establish what we want with the and whether federation with , , Tumblr, and the like bring us closer to or further from those goals.

    With that in mind, I've come up with a few statements (in no particular order) that describe what I think is an "ideal fediverse" — a fediverse that's not necessarily realistic but that we should aim for:

    1. No actor controls a large portion of visible activity.
    2. Users can move between instances without penalty.
    3. Creating and running an instance requires minimal effort.
    4. People on or entering the fediverse understand the variety of available options.
    5. There is no downside to using free and open-source platforms over proprietary ones.

    These definitely aren't comprehensive, and if you have anything you'd add, let's discuss that! They're currently helping me reassess my stance on Threads now that Flipboard is also entering the stage, and I hope they're helpful for others as well.

    I'll elaborate on these five statements in the comments.


    rah ,

    I’d say the fediverse in general

    The whole point of the fediverse in general is that there is no single “we”. There are those ActivityPub servers that one federates with and those ActivityPub servers that one does not federate with. Lack of consensus is built into the technology by design.

    but I think it’s still important that everyone at least thinks about what they want the fediverse to grow into

    To have wants about the social constructs that sit atop the technology is to misunderstand the technology. The technology enables your enemies/people you don’t like/etc. to communicate and benefit in all the ways you do. By design. You cannot exclude from the fediverse, you can only exclude from your server. If you have wants about excluding then you’ve misunderstood the technology.

    ThatOneKirbyMain2568 OP , avatar

    @rah Maybe I'm not being clear. When I say that "we" means "the fediverse in general", I don't mean that everyone should gather 'round and come to a consensus on what values they should uphold and who should be excluded. This is obviously something that should occur on an instance or individual level, as (A) there are a large variety of different people and instances on the fediverse with different priorities and (B) as you stated, anyone can implement ActivityPub and tap into the fediverse if they want to, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

    What I mean is that people should be thinking about what they think instance owners should aim for and form their opinions on the current situation based on that. My goal with this post is to show what I think an "ideal fediverse" looks like and have others share their thoughts. Having thoughts about what's healthy for people on the fediverse and having wants based on that isn't misunderstanding the technology — it's simply expressing preferences.

    readbeanicecream , to Fediverse avatar

    Is decentralization the future of social media? Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter created an opportunity for a new kind of social platform.

    Chozo , (edited ) to Fediverse

    I feel like the reason , and the at large, aren't taking off has to do with the fact that they're actually social networks. People don't seem to want a social network, they want content platforms. People aren't using or or to keep up with their friends these days, they're using these apps to entertain themselves. And since and every other platform that used to be a social network began pivoting toward content promotion, I think society has forgotten what a social network is supposed to actually be anymore.

    (E: Grammar.)

    rorystarr , avatar

    @Chozo the only point I disagree with is that people don't want a social media platform anymore. I think they do, I just think they have forgotten that's what social media is for. Considering there is zero advertising for this platform and a technical set up, the growth and daily activity of it is pretty impressive and hasn't slowed in months.

    I've met more interesting people in 8 months here than I did 12 years on twitter. I hope others get a chance to see that value.

    Sam_uk , avatar

    @Chozo I wonder if this bodes well for Kbin/Lemmy? Arguably their model is more about content than social relationships.

    NudelnAlDente , to RedditMigration avatar

    Threads vs microblogs?

    Does anyone have any advice on whether to use or when you're looking to say, start a discussion about a topic on ? Is there an etiquette for what option is best? Or do people just pick depending on their mood (having a Twitter vs a Reddit sort of a day)?

    WonkoTheSane ,

    A thread is a Reddit equivalent and a microblog is a Twitter equivalent. So it really depends if you’re trying to start a discussion or just want to put something out there in my opinion

    SzethFriendOfNimi ,

    It can definitely be confusing. And kbin’s naming convention is confusing too.

    symfonystation , to Fediverse avatar

    I proactively blocked the box of c*nts, aka Facebook's new Threads domain, on the user level. It's not easy, but here is a link showing how to do it.

    We'll see if it works once they add Activity Pub integration.

    And I blocked them because they are a box of c*unts. And I'll leave it up to instances to do whatever they want with Threads.

    symfonystation OP , avatar

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